The Centre Médical Fontainebleau is a FMG

What is a FMG?

A FMG is a family medical group, a group of family doctors who work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, including clinical nurses and nursing assistants, nutritionists, and psychologists, among others. A FMG’s goal is to make it easier for patients to access healthcare services. Opened in 2004 and classified as a FMG in 2009, the Centre Médical Fontainebleau’s staff includes 13 general practitioners, 3 clinical nurses, 4 nursing assistants who take care of patients at the walk-in clinic, and our administrative and clerical staff. To make obtaining medical services easier, the Centre is open 363 days, year-round.
Patients of a family doctor who is part of our FMG automatically become patients of our FMG and can benefit, with a referral, from a host of nursing services provided by our clinical nurses and supervised by the attending doctor.

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Our team

Dre Pascale Auger Montréal ‘99
Dre Brigitte Bédard Laval ‘85
Dr. Patrice Bellefeuille Laval ‘95
Dre Hélène Daneault Sherbrooke ‘85
Dre Geneviève Hélie Montreal ‘89
Dr. Patrice Kretz McGill ‘84
Dr Pierre-Étienne Magnan Montréal ‘99
Dre Anne-Marie Pelletier Montreal ‘00
Dr. Jacques Rozon Sherbrooke ‘82
Dre Catherine Saulnier Montreal ‘90
Dre Claudie Gauthier Montreal ’00
Dre Geneviève Lavergne Montreal ’01
Dre Hélène Gauthier Sherbrooke ‘00
Clinical nurses
Catherine Thouin
Catherine Desjardins
Isabelle Benoit
Walk-in clinic nurse
Patricia Doré Auxiliary Nurse
April Critch Auxiliary Nurse
Annie Cloutier Auxiliary Nurse
Clerical staff
Suzanne Vallerand Director
Linda Moreau Medical office assistant
Isabelle Perron Digitization technician
Natacha Demers Medical office assistant
Julie Laplaine Medical office assistant
Catherine Brault Medical office assistant
Clara Ouimet Medical office assistant
Maxime Héroux Medical office assistant
Anne-Marie Leclerc Medical office assistant
Other health professionals
Social workers Michelle Lemay and Hélène Massé
Clinical Pharmacist Émy Dugré
Other services (fee $) :
Nutritionist – Dietitian Francine Allard 514-570-8015
Orthotist Dino Barreta, J.E. Hanger (private $) tel 450-687-5520